Monday, May 23, 2011

Love is a poison... Can I have some?

What is love? It is a very subjective question. The answer for this question varied according to different individual. According to Wikipedia, Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment.

Nowadays people tend to see love and relationship seriously. Yes love is part of our life, but its just a part of it. Its not our life. We are born into this world to be loved and to give love. In a relationship, love goes both way. There is no point loving someone and not being loved back.

People tend to do anything for their so call loved ones including taking their own life. Its kinda stupid to do that just to show how much you love the person. One of my friend's sister who is in secondary school attempt suicide just because of relationship. This is how poison love can be.

Sometimes I think that once the relationship is over means its over. There is no point crying over spilt milk. Its not to say that you can't cry. But after you cry, stand up and be strong. Strong for yourself and not for others or some revenge kinda thing. My belief is everyone in this world have a partner. Is a matter of time before you finding them.

"Those who make you cry don't worth your tears. And those that worth won't make you either."

Second chance only come once. If you tried your best to save the relationship but it goes bad, its ok because you already tried. Just let it be and continue to live a happy life. You are not the one that lose out. Its the person who leaves you that lose out because they lost you. There is no point waiting for someone who don't know how to appreciate you. Don't worry there will be a person who knows how to appreciate you. Just you haven't found them or you never notice them. No worries.. =D

Some thinks love is a game. Its a matter of are you brave enough to play the game after losing the last one badly. Everyone have their story. But that is all in the past. We still need to live our life although we are sad. Why don't we just live it happily. Its our call whether we wanna be happy or sad. Just be yourself and time will heal everything.

In every relationship there will be memories. Those are our happy times together but it will all be just memories. Don't try to erase them because it won't go away. The more you erase the more you'll remember. Take it as a lesson to make yourself a better person and not to make the same mistake that you did. Treat the next one better than the last and show to yourself that you are a better person.

There is no use changing someone or changing yourself for someone. If the person love you, they will accept you as who you are. We are who we are. Anyhow someone will be attracted to you. Things come best when you don't expect it.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a misery. Today is a gift thats why it is called PRESENT".

Those in relationship, appreciate them before its gone. And those who are single, don't be sad. Your time will come. And last be not least, CHEERS!!


(p.s - The title is catchy right. I saw it on my boss tee. A catchy one which I can use for myself.)


  1. good one... The right one will came some day

  2. ya ya, i very like ur this post... nice..
    be +ve thinking...


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